IBM Recruitment 2022 Job Notifications

IBM Announces Recruitment 2022 to fill vacancies under various posts. Apply online for Cloud Developer, Applications Developer, Azure Cloud Full Stack, Data Engineer , Java Full Stack, AWS Cloud Full Stack vacancies at IBM.
Latest IBM Recruitment 2022 vacancy advertisement for Cloud Developer, Applications Developer, Azure Cloud Full Stack, Data Engineer , Java Full Stack, AWS Cloud Full Stack. Find IBM official notification 2022 pdf in the below section/website for the active, latest and upcoming IBM career opportunities. Freshers and experienced candidates seeking IBM job alerts and other IBM upcoming job 2022 notifications on for new IBM career opportunities.
IBM is an American multinational technology company that manufactures and markets computer hardware, middleware, and software, and provides hosting and consulting services.
In the latest job announcement, IBM announces job vacancies for Cloud Developer posts, with work location in Bangalore.
Under IBM Bangalore Cloud Developer 2022 Jobs, candidates having required skills in Golang, Python, Nodejs, Bash, AWS, Azure can apply.
The selected candidate will be recruited with a permanent and full-time job.
An Interested and qualified candidate has to apply through online mode.
Job Designation: Cloud Developer.
Job Code: 563289BR.
Education Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree/B.E/B.Tech.
Experience Level: 5+ years.
Job Location: Bangalore.
Apply Mode: Online.
Your Role and Responsibilities:
Ensure high availability for underlying platforms and infrastructure for application use.
Provide engineering teams with tooling and guidanceto monitor their service availability against pre-determined SLOs.
Develop microservices for SRE services and Compliance activities
Collaborate with other software engineers around patterns and practices for highly available, fault tolerant,and resilient applications.
Required Technical and Professional Expertise:
Strong / Expert Level Linux Skills with a strong background in troubleshooting
5+ years overall experience in Development or Engineering experience.
2-3 years of Cloud experience; IaaS and PaaS for on-prem and/or public clouds (IBM, AWS, or Azure)
At least one year of Production experience with native Kubernetes or related enterprise container platforms.
Strong software development skills, with a proven track record in developing quality software solutions (ideally Golang, Python, Nodejs, Bash experience)
Experience developing microservices in Node.js, Golang, or Python
Experience with databases –Cloudant, PostgreSQL, Redis, CouchDB
Experience with SAML and OIDC
Experience with the Principles of “The Twelve-FactorApp”
Experience developing and operating services for regulated environments
Knowledge of IBM Cloud is a plus.
Preferred Technical and Professional Expertise:
Experience with code security and compliance
Strong security and compliance experience.
Knowledge of main industry accreditations –ideally knowledge of NISTcontrols(800-53).
How to apply:
Interested and qualified job applicants have to apply through online mode, by initially registering with IBM career portal and login in to apply.
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(साई फीचर्स)

SAMACHAR AGENCY OF INDIA समाचार एजेंसी ऑफ इंडिया

समाचार एजेंसी ऑफ इंडिया देश की पहली डिजीटल न्यूज एजेंसी है. इसका शुभारंभ 18 दिसंबर 2008 को किया गया था. समाचार एजेंसी ऑफ इंडिया में देश विदेश, स्थानीय, व्यापार, स्वास्थ्य आदि की खबरों के साथ ही साथ धार्मिक, राशिफल, मौसम के अपडेट, पंचाग आदि का प्रसारण प्राथमिकता के आधार पर किया जाता है. इसके वीडियो सेक्शन में भी खबरों का प्रसारण किया जाता है. यह पहली ऐसी डिजीटल न्यूज एजेंसी है, जिसका सर्वाधिकार असुरक्षित है, अर्थात आप इसमें प्रसारित सामग्री का उपयोग कर सकते हैं. अगर आप समाचार एजेंसी ऑफ इंडिया को खबरें भेजना चाहते हैं तो व्हाट्सएप नंबर 9425011234 या ईमेल पर खबरें भेज सकते हैं. खबरें अगर प्रसारण योग्य होंगी तो उन्हें स्थान अवश्य दिया जाएगा.